The Comet Seekers – Review

This book by Helen Sedgwick was a little strange in that she mixed science (astronomy and comets) , something that can be measured and studied with ghosts, something we have no concrete evidence of.

The plot involves how two characters Roisin and Francois meet and how their lives like planetary orbits never quite collide with each other until by a quirk of fate they end up in Antarctica in 2017.

The book’s narrative is a little disjointed in that it goes back and forth in time coinciding with an appearance of a comet for that year.

I found some sections difficult to read as the author didn’t use speech marks in conversations and at times I had to re- read whole parts of the novel again.

At times I couldn’t understand the relationships between certain characters, mainly the ghosts, Possibly because there were too many of them.

An enjoyable read which promised more than it delivered.